
Stength to Go On
All the years we tried so very hard to make it right.
We kept on hanging in there, all fives us real tight.
As our middle one left to walk in the light.
You too, now have gone to be there with him.
You both gave it your all and put up a good fight.
Times are different now, where did my strength go to?
I try to find it in the the love our kids still feel
For the Father they always loved and still do.
When will the strength return, I do not know
I only know that when it came to hurting so much
I never realized the pain would hurt us all so.
I know you feel I will survive this time of pain and sorrow
I know you thought me stonger than I am showing now
Somedays I feel so alone in this crazy world you left me, to find a new tomorrow.
Can I make it without the pain and grief?
Or am I to be left floating on this place we call earth
Only to feel its a barrier like reef?
Survival was what I learned from you thoughout the many years
Can I do this with knowing I will not have you to turn to anymore even in the bad times we had?
How can I handle them with all my new found fears.
Help me from the farthest palce you are. You and Jimmy, please.
I know without you both, I can't go through anymore days knowing I am on my own, in my heart and in my fears.
Stand beside me as I travel once again down this path as you make it ease.
Thank you for the life you gave us all
Times were so uncertainan but we managed through it
All of us as the "fist" of five were to do and not fall.
If we ever had to do it over, I am sure we all would agree
It was nothing like we planned, but we got the stength from the "fist" because it was as strong as we made it like a
mighty oak tree.
A family of five made the "fist" work through the good times an the bad.
Thank you for teaching us all that we can still feel the strength and power you gave us.
Its all we ever needed and all we ever had!
Broken Chain
We little knew that morning, God was going to call your name, In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone, For part of us went with you, the day God called you home. You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide, And though we cannot see you, you are always at our side. Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same, But as God calls
us one by one, the chain will link again
Why does it still hurt so bad?
Why am I crying still?
Why can't I seem to move though this?
Was it for what we had?
I been this road before
I know the pain it entails.
Is my life going to be like this forever
Knowing there has got to be more?
Can I survive this pain and make it through this year?
Is it more than I can handle now
Feeling the loss so raw and new.
Or will I live this time in hurting fear?
Whispers of Love By afire, JVP Op on 02/12/07
Whispers of Love
I see you when I open the closet door Empty hangers where your life once hung Empty shoes
that litter the floor So many songs still left unsung.
Dreams are crushed Like light bulb glass And the
implosion Floods our mind, Is nothing sacred? Our child dies And we are left behind.
Part of my spirit
left that day To guide my son to the light Part of my spirit left that day When life grabbed my heart And
took a bite.
The heart is slow to heal Its a muscle severely bruised But for a muscle to recover It needs
only to be used
So allow your heart to shine Wherever you may go Let your heart beat rule the day And
allow the love to grow
Live love, be love, look for love Imbue it in what you say And even though our child died The love
does not go away.
It is then that our soul shall recover And we can sigh without a cry Knowing our child is
right beside us Their spirit didn't die.
They seek from us What we seek in them Just a moment To be
as one again
They have the need just as we To feel that love That tingles the soul, A connection made,
a circuit complete In our togetherness we are the whole
Whispers of love are everywhere My lost child now
is found And although his body is forever gone My soul can hear his song
Music to my ears When he leaves
a penny on the floor, An orchestra in my heart When he whispers through the door.
Turn the light on, turn
it off He speaks to me in metaphor Using what ever that he can To let me know that there is more
is more to life than life Death is not an end And I find comfort In the messages; whatever he can send.
lives on as pure energy Its in our hearts we find the switch To turn on that connection And receive that special
Knowing that love is eternal And that life is just a dance Will not provide answers to the whys But
can give us a second chance
To chance to say what's in our hearts And to listen with our soul Finding solace
in a dialogue No one else could know
Whispers of love Are just that, Gentle murmurs We hear in our
despair And we know deep in our soul that love never dies - our child is always there.