As I look around our city I see his hand in the construction
of many buildings. His brother, father and he worked for a construction company and I told them when they had grandkids,
they could look around and show them what they had accomplished here on earth as builders. They had a hand in shaping
things as much as the other men.
He was a dreamer. Of hopes of a better and easier
way of life. He cared. He shared his life with us all even after he married his childhood sweetheart. They
were Soul-Mates. We all believed this and still do. Always was and always will be. His wife and children
are proof of a strong caring father and husband he is. Even In death.
I thank him today and everyday for his honest, caring
heart, love of his fellow man, and God, for allowing me to share his life. For my son for helping me everyday to go
on, even though I dont want to.