I thought time would make this year easier and I have
found it has not. I still miss you, Jimmy, as is if it were yesterday. Time does not heal. My memories of
this poem brings sadness, yet I remember sending this to you in a Christmas card three years ago. You were away from
the family at the time and I wanted you to know how I felt. I knew you knew I loved you then as I will until the day
I leave this planet. No amount of time will take away from me the memories I have of the Christmas we all shared with
this family.
I realize someone took you away from this earth, but
they did not take my love for you nor my memories. They have not really. As much as they think they have.
Jimmy, you were too good for those who thought you were like them. Thats why you are where you are. Christmas
seems harder than last year. Because I do have contact with your family. Your wife and kids and grandson.
My great grandson. You know they are living as best they can. The memories of the last Christmas we had together
will forever be in my heart. Waking you up and having you all here with me was the best present I could have ever had.
Money was tight, but to see the happiness on your face throughout the day was enough for me. We were "FAMILY" again
and thats all that mattered. To know what would happen only four short months later would have made me shudder.
I am glad I didn't know then. I couldn't have changed anything then as I can't now. I can only pray for a chance
one day before I die, to be reunited with ALL my family again. Happy and proud of the fact we are family and we stick
together no matter what others try to do. Love is stronger than anything they say. I pray God finds it in His
power to answer this one prayer. Jimmy, I love you sweetie, and always will. Love, Mom