Life As I t Has Been For ME
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This is the poem my daughter, Jimmy's sister, had put on his bench that she had put on his gravesite.

To My Brother
My Brother the
Who always stand by your side.
My Brother th PROVIDER- Who has always provided for his family.
My Brother the SON- Who has always shared the light in our parents eyes.
My BROTHER the HUSBAND- Who shared his everything with his soul-mate to make them become 1.
My BROTHER the FATHER - Who taught his kids right from wrong and gave advise.  Always taught them to be the best that they can be.
My BROTHER the BROTHER- Who was always there to set an example.  Always there to pick you up when you were down and always there to advise you on how to do something.
Someone I always accepted for who he was and he would accept you for who you are.
One who did not judge, but gave his opinion when asked for it.
Someone that I looked at as my HERO, my FRIEND, my MENTOR and someone I have always looked up to and someone I have always been so PROUD of.
My BROTHER the FRIEND- He was a friend to all and he would help anyone that needed it.
My BROTHER the UNCLE- He would show his nieces and nephews how to have fun, be good to each other and be the best person you can be.
Mt BROTHER the PERSON- He is a very loving and caring person, he would help anyone that asked and some that didnt.  He would watch your back and not let anything happen to you.  My brother was not evil when he died: he was trying to protect himself and his friends.  (Always the protector).  My brother was the type of person that when it came to protecting someone it was family, friends, and then himself.  He has always valued family, friends and the life of others.
TO MY BROTHER- Who means so much to everyone he has touched.  Some people did not know what my brother stood for, well, my brother stood for FAMILY AND FRIENDS.  He also stood for
What my brother was about: Being The Best You Can Be, and You Can Do Anything You Put Your Mind At. 
This is about and to MY LOVING BROTHER
Love, M.

Jimmy & Michele 1984