Life As I t Has Been For ME
6 Years Ago
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Inner Tempest Stilled
By Beenie Legato

Sometimes I sense a little flutter.
Like a shadow swiftly slipping by.
Or I hear a silent, gentle murmur.
Like a soft whisper from out the sky.

Sometimes... I hear you call my name,
Or clearly see your face before me.
And I feel that you are with me still.
Then peacefully... I come to know

As I am thinking happy thoughts of you
You, my son, are thinking of me too.
Loving memories fill my aching heart.
As dreaming dreams of what could be.

Or might have been, if you were here.
Until the piercing pain of losing you
Comes tumbling down on trembling fear.
And clearly once again I hear you say,

"But Mom…What if I had never been.
You could not then in LOVE remember me."

Even the time has not erased the strong feelings I have for missing you.
Time is suposed to be a healer in matters like this. It isn't?
Yes I have moved forward, only to find that when the memories flood me, that I can give myself the freedom to cry. I know you  know I do.
I will never stop missing you nor forget the laughter we shared nor the love I remember you gave to all.
Thank you, Jimmy for allowing me to be your mom!
I love you and miss you today as much as yesterday, as much as tomorrow. It will never stop until we are all together again.

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