My son told me a couple days before he was murdered,
that I was the strongest woman he knew. I denied this. He said I would have to be a little stronger though.
This is where I think he might have known what was coming for him and his wife and this whole family. Some say people
know when they are going to die. I cant think someone would know the are going to be murdered, but heck, he knew more
than me. God must have let him know or else he wouldnt have moved back home with me for almost 5 months prior to his murder
I had prayed for him to return to the family healed of whatever was halting him from doing so. Then I left out the healing
part in a prayer request at a church I was attending at the time. In 3 days he came home. I know prayers are answered
in Gods time not mine. Doesnt mean I like any of this. I hate the thought that my son is not physically here anymore.
I begged God to bring him home for over two years. Only when I gave up my restrictions did God bring him home.